Venari Materia
“Venari Materia”(event by Indian Institute of Metals, NITT students chapter)-The ultimate platform to demostrate your knowledge of materials.
This time we are looking for a comprehensive suggestion for a given application.
The participants are required to select a material which best fits the given application by identifying the properties that the application demands.
1) Maximum of 3 people in a team.
2) On the spot registration.
3) Presentation is enough.
4) Anything goes in your quest for the perfect material, but be prepared to answer our panel of experts.
5) In case of a tie, identification of sub critical properties and financial feasabilty will fetch bonus points.
6) There is no single correct answer. The panel’s decision will be final and binding and any arguments in this regard will not be entertained.
Problem statement :
A nuclear power plant is being set up on the shores of Antarctica to meet the power requirements of all research activities being carried on by the EU nations.Winter temperatures here can be as low as -30 degree Celsius.
Suggest a material for any one of the following:
1) The base, which is underwater and bears the entire load of the nuclear complex.
2) The containment of the reactor, at ground level.
For more details contact :
Pradeep Balan.S : 9597543779
Suraj RK : 9840461185
Rohit Bhadola : 9597001131
Shalini J : 9789933605